Imagine a miniature world of contrasting landscapes, of beaches, woods, and hills on an island where one is never more than some hundreds of feet from the sea. On the Ile-aux-Moines, the camellias, Hortensia, and mimosa crowd around old stone houses and ancient megaliths, refreshing the land as the tides do the shore. A place of beauty and the quiet necessary for contemplation. How much like paradise would this place have been to a young artist who also loved the natural world and its creatures?
de Waroquier (1881-1970) .was born in Paris 18
January l881. As a child, his imagination was stirred by scientific discoveries
so he went back and forth, considering biology and art before choosing a vocation, writing of his struggle: “What interests
me isn’t art, but life.” In the event,
he chose both.
in Waroquier’s youth offered the new art at Galerie Durand-Ruel and the
Japanese art at L’Art Nouveau Bing., both nearby, a heady abundance of Impressionism and “la lecon
orientale.” In 1903 Enrolled at L’Ecole Estienne in 1903, Waroquier’s
instructors practiced the cult of the curvilinear. Her later wrote that in his
early works he tried to understand the relationship between land, water, and
sky through the lines that joined them.
1901 and 1910 Waroquier made extended annual visits to the Gulf of Morbihan in
Brittany, attracted by its ancient, stony landscape and the chance to observe
marine life close up. He stayed on L’Ile
-aux –Moines (Island of the Monks) near Locmariaquar, famous for its oyster
fishing, and also on Belle-Ile-en-mer, another nearby island. In Breton, Mor bihan means “small sea”
and the term refers to its characteristic tidal estuaries. Indeed, many of the place names in the area describe
the landscape in evocative ways: : bois d'amour, bois de soupirs, bois
de regrette (the forest of love, the forest of sighs, the forest of regret.
began to study the techniques used by Divisionist painters around 1905 and
later turned his hand to Cubism but his.pole
star continued to be the diluted colors
borrowed from faded, old Japanese prints. He also expressed his affinity
for another painter of Breton scenes, the
somber realist Charles Cottet.
the japoniste, eschewed the use of traditional perspective.
His many studies of waves, bouquets of trees, and panoramic views leave the
viewer up in the airo to speak. Perhaps
Waroquier imagined himself as part of the ‘floating world’ when he painted; some of his pictures are
annotated with text, as are many ukiye-o
In later
life, he created a series of clustered
masks that were displayed on the Boulevard Saint-Michel during the protests of
May 1968. . Henry de Waroquier died in 1970.
Note: My thanks to Neil Philip of Idbury Prints for his comments on an early version of this article, especially for pointing out that Henry de Waorgquier lived across the street from Galerie Durnad-Ruel as a child.
Images: from Henry de
Waroquier: Images de Bretagne by Jean-Pierre Fourcade, Paris, Somogy: 2000.
Study of Fish, 1900, pastel.
Still Life on Japanese paper, 1909.
Golfe de Morbihan, 1907, pastel.
Le chemionde la longue de la cote, 1908, watercolor and charcoal.
La Greve - Ile-aux-moines, (with cows at left) 1908, Musee de beaux-arts, Rennes.
Ile-aux-moines, 1906.
Boats. Ile-aux-moines, 1906.

"to understand the relationship between land, water, and sky" : belles vues panoramiques ! And also "Still Life on Japanese paper".
Tania, yes. Of all the French artists who were inspired in their work by Japanese prints, Henry de Waroquier is one of the most charming and one of the least appreciated - at least by English-language writers.
I am in total awe of your devotion to this blog and to art in general. thank you!
Jeanne, how happy I am to hear from you. There is no shortage of things worth writing about. Thank you for your return. I have missed hearing from you.
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